BUT WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN? lifestyle nutrition Jul 19, 2022

By Sarina Farb

One of the most common things I hear from people when they first learn I'm vegan is "but what about protein??"

For my fellow vegans out there I'm sure many of you have heard this comment as well! Maybe you even get irritated by it because it gets brought up soooo frequently and bec...

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MY REVIEW OF NETFLIX'S "THE BAD VEGAN" lifestyle Mar 21, 2022

By Sarina Farb

I was skeptical about this docu-series going into it and predicted much of what I ended up disliking about the film. However, given the promotion and fact that the film was being headlined on Netflix - I figured I still wanted to watch it to know just how poorly veganism was being re...

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HERE'S WHY VEGANS SHOULDN'T SUPPORT LAB-GROWN MEAT activism animal liberation big ag youtube Jan 16, 2022

By Sarina Farb.

Lab-grown meat (also known as cultivated meat, in vitro meat, cell-based meat, and clean meat) is a novel biotech alternative to ‘traditional’ meat. It involves taking some cells/tissue from living animals and growing those cells into pieces of real animal flesh in a lab.


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EVERYTHING WRONG WITH ANIMAL GIFT GIVING AND HEIFER INTERNATIONAL animal liberation big ag environmentalism youtube Nov 05, 2021

 By Sarina Farb

Animal gift giving and programs like Heifer International that allow people to sponsor families or pay for a cow or chickens to be given to a family in a developing country may seem like wonderful programs at face value.  

However, the reality is that these programs are not helpful...

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ANIMAL RIGHTS, VEGAN ACTIVISM, & HOLOCAUST COMPARISONS animal liberation vegan activism Feb 01, 2021

A Jewish Vegan Perspective

What is the issue?

Currently, there is a debate in the vegan and animal rights community, over whether or not vegans should be drawing comparisons between human and non-human animal oppression, or using terms like “animal holocaust” to describe what happens to pigs, cows...

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I WAS LIKE GRETA THUNBERG activism environmentalism Jun 10, 2020

For all of you out there who are making fun of and ridiculing Greta Thunberg as a brainwashed political operative of her parents — please stop.

Let me tell you a story. I was very much like Greta. I understand where she comes from.

When I was 7 years old I watched the film “The Blue Planet” ...

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MY PARENT'S "FORCED" VEGANISM ON ME growing up vegan lifestyle May 12, 2019

NOTE: This piece was originally published on Ecorazzi on September 7th 2016

Recently, an Italian bill proposed jail time for parents irresponsibly imposing a vegan diet on their children. It has created a lot of buzz and discussion over whether vegan parents should be allowed to “fo

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AN OPEN LETTER TO ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (AOC) big ag environmentalism youtube Jan 28, 2019

Dear Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,

First of all, I just want to say what an inspiration you are! I have loved following your journey from winning your primary, to becoming the youngest woman to serve in the House of Representatives, to being featured all over the media. You are so articulate, unafra...

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FOOD JUSTICE: THE REAL VICITIMS animal liberation vegan activism Dec 09, 2018

NOTE: I originally wrote this piece while in college, after receiving numerous criticisms of the vegan advocacy and tabling I was doing on campus. The piece was published in The Grinnell Underground Magazine.

Imagine this scenario:

You suddenly find yourself transported to a

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